Video – Admirals Vs. Jesuit 2015 Playoffs
A huge thanks goes out to Chuck and Juanita for getting us this fantastic video to share with you all! Enjoy and tell others its here! [su_youtube_advanced url=”” width=”640″ height=”360″ rel=”no”][su_youtube_advanced url=”” width=”860″ height=”480″ controls=”no” showinfo=”no” rel=”no”][/su_youtube_advanced]
Game Roster – Oct. 3rd
Due to the fact that we can only dress 20 players per game, and this includes our goalies, the following players are on the game roster for October 3rd, 2014. Manatee Admirals Vs. Jesuit at ISF in Brandon! As always, we would like to see all players on the Manatee Admirals show up and dress accordingly, […]